NASMB is in partnership with municipalities and local governments from Bulgarian and other European countries. In Bulgaria the Association has worked with the municipalities of Oryahovo, Letnitza, Plovdiv (Maritza), Brezovo, Kyustendil, Pernik, Batak, Asenovgrad, Montana, Godech, Kirdjali, the regional administrations in Pernik and Smolyan. In different projects NASMB worked together with the Municipality of Munich – Germany, Community Mountain “Appennino Forlivese” – Italy, Toplicki District – Serbia, Bratislavský samosprávny kraj – Slovakia, Regioni Veneto, Umbria, Lombardia, Bergamo and Abruzzo in Italy, Marshal’s Office of Podolskie Voivodeship – Poland.

NASMB has participated in the elaboration and implementation of many local and international projects. It pioneered the development of a guarantee fund by participating in the international project GO NETWORK – Guarantee Organizations Network under the INTERREG III B CADSES programme. In the international project REVITA – Development of Small and Medium-size Railway Stations into Multipurpose Local Service Centers under the same programme, a lot of research about the usability and development of this kind of stations was done. The third international project in this row was RIMADIMA –Risk-, Disaster-Management & prevention of natural hazards in mountainous and / or forested regions, where a new decision support system was developed. Another international project of this type was TELMI – International European integration on the labor market through information technologies. The international project SOCIALSME was implemented under the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation programme with further development of an innovative product. Another Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation international project was CREATIN – Creativity Techniques for Innovation in Products and Services. EUFACINET – European Facilitators Network, was an international Leonardo da Vinci project for development of a methodology for facilitation of the training and elaboration of human resources qualifications using working situations. “ICT4LLL” is a Leonardo da Vinci Life Long Learning Project for implementation of ICT at all levels of education and training with NASMB being responsible for research and development of vocational training. There are many other projects from different programmes in which NASMB took part such as PHARE, EuropeAid, Civil Society Dialogue Programme – European Aid for Turkey, the Business Support Program of EC etc.

Due to the elaboration and implementation of many projects NASMB has accumulated versatile experience and has built a wide branched net not only of local, but also international partners. Some of them are Faculty of Economics and Management at Kaunas Technical University in Lithuania, Polytechnic University of Warsaw, Warsavia University College of technology and Business – Poland University of Krakow, Wroclaw University of Economics, University of Nis, European University Cyprus, University of Architecture of Bucharest, Riga Technical University, Institute for Socio-Scientific Consultancy in Regensburg, Faculty of Forestry from University of Skopie, Faculty of ,Forestry from University of Belgrade, West Pomeranian Business Schol in Szczecin – Poland, Center for Research and Technology Hellas – Greece, Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency – Hungary, Nature Conservation BERKUT – Czech Republic, Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia, Public transport service agency of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt – Germany, Polish State Railways, Agency for Community Development – Romania, Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Senec – Pezinok (Slovakia), KMU Forschung Austria, Handwerkskammer Trier – Germany, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Development Agency Prefecture of Trikala – Greece, Istrian Development Agency – Italy, etc. In various projects as partners participated training and business organizations from Germany, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Denmark, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Austria, FYROM, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Lithuania, Latvia, Ireland, Cyprus.